PACAP Project

PACAP Project

The “Promotion of physical activity for cancer patients” (PACAP) project aims to contribute to the implementation of European Union strategies to improve public health and social inclusion, promoting the application of European guidelines on physical activity in sports activities for cancer patients, especially women and to help improve the quality of life of patients.
The PACAP project aims to sensitize and encourage people with physical disabilities, such as people affected by cancer or those who are cured, and Nordic walking as an effective exercise method and to identify the potential benefits of challenges associated with this type of exercise. Nordic walking, a low-impact form of exercise that involves walking with poles, has proven to be an effective form of prevention and rehabilitation for cancer survivors.
The activities of the project will last 24 months and will be implemented in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Slovenia, Croatia, Ukraine.
To reach these objectives the project involves the following actions:
– organization of international seminars aimed at promoting the project idea, the objectives, the expected and achieved results;
– definition of guidelines for cancer prevention and for promoting sport among cancer patients;
– European-level training of sports personnel, medical and healthcare personnel and volunteers involved in the realization of sports activities
– Nordic walking program: will be provided training programs for athletes and cancer patients.
The target groups of the project are: cancer patients, trainers, instructors, educators, teachers, athletic trainers, volunteers, conductors and personnel of sports organizations, training institutes, organizations and associations without profit, public authorities.
The planned activities are:
1. Management, implementation , coordination, monitoring and evaluation
2. Training and exchange of experiences and good practices during transnational meetings
3. Seminars and sporting events in 6 countries during the European Week of Sports 2026
Final results:
– fact-finding survey on the current situation
– guidelines “Physical activity and tumors”
– E-learning platform with training sessions
– evaluation report on training sessions
– awareness raising events in 6 partner countries
– final conference
– materials and communication activities
– Dissemination

For more information on the project activities:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.