TPM in Brussels with new venue
Venue of the meeting: Oxalis Meeting Room, Mundo-Madou, Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, B-1210 Brussels.
Venue of the meeting: Oxalis Meeting Room, Mundo-Madou, Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, B-1210 Brussels.
Today an online meeting took place with all partners and we discussed: – Update on Deliverables (RUMT) – WP 3: Final version of the Guidelines (UCAM) – WP 4: E-learning platform – Teaching activities (UCAM) – Next transnational meeting on July 4th in Brussels (EDA) …
Il 18 e 19 aprile si è svolto a Bucarest il quarto transnational project meeting di Sasled, progetto #Erasmus+ finalizzato a promuovere lo #sport come strumento per l’inclusione sociale delle persone con #DSA, di cui AID è partner. Durante l’incontro, che ha avuto come focus …
E’ disponibile l’infopack con tutte le informazione del 4 TM del progetto SASLED English version The infopack with all the information of the 4 TM of the SASLED project is available
Oggi si è svolto un meeting on line tra tutti i partners del progetto per la valutazione delle attività svolte nel primo anno. Inoltre il Consorzio ha deciso di proseguire la propria collaborazione per nuovi progetti. Englis version Today an online meeting was held between …
There were two days of intense work for the third TPM held in Dublin and organized by the partner DAI. We discussed the contents of the definitive version of the Guidelines ‘SLD and sport’ (WP3) and the contents of the training modules of the e-learning …
This morning we met online with our partners in the Sasled project. We discussed dissemination of our survey results and the planned contents of our new guidelines on dyslexia and sports. The first draft of the guidelines is being prepared with contributions from all the …