Erasmus+ Sport Info Day 2025 – Save the date

Erasmus+ Sport Info Day 2025 – Save the date

The Erasmus + Sport Info Day 2025 organised by the European Commission and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), will take place at the end of this year. Mark your calendar for 16 December 2024 and join us.

During the event, you will learn about the political context, the future programme, and the different funding opportunities available in 2025 for sport projects.

We will discuss the latest policy developments and share practical tips on how to prepare and submit a project for the upcoming calls for proposals.

You will have the opportunity to network and meet potential partners from all over Europe.

The event will take place in Brussels and registration will open in September on the EACEA website.

Cannot make it to Brussels? Join us online! The event will also be broadcasted (no registration  needed).

Looking forward to meeting you all in another great Erasmus+ Sport Info Day!