PACAP Project – Matera kick off meeting (WP1)

The kick off meeting of the project “Promotion of physical activity for cancer patients” (PACAP) took place this morning at the APT Open Space in Piazza Vittorio Veneto in Matera, funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Sport 2024 programme, proposed and coordinated by the A.S.D. Running of Matera.
The partnership of the highest quality and professionalism is composed of 8 partners from 6 European countries: Asociación Euroamericana de Ciencias del Deport (Spain), Instituto Politecnico De Braganca (Portugal), Sportna Unija Slovenije – Zveza Drustev Za Sportn (Slovenia), Zagrebacki Savez Sportske Rekreacije Sport Za Sve (Croatia), National University Of Ukraine On Physical Education (Ukraine), Institute for Research and Treatment of a Scientific Character – Oncology Reference Center of Basilicata IRCCS-CROB, Tumor Institute “Giovanni Paolo II” Bari and ASD Sport Club Basilicata (Italy). Associated partner is APS Bottega del Sorriso of Bari.
The project “Promotion of physical activity for cancer patients” is a “Partnerships for collaboration” project that aims to contribute to the implementation of the European Union strategies to improve public health and social inclusion, promoting the application of the European guidelines on physical activity in sports activities for cancer patients, especially women, and to help improve the quality of life of patients.
The PACAP project aims to raise awareness and encourage people with physical disabilities, i.e. people with cancer or those who have recovered, to practice Nordic walking as an effective method of exercise and to identify the potential benefits or challenges associated with this type of exercise. Nordic walking, a form of low-impact exercise that involves walking with poles, has proven to be an effective form of rehabilitation for cancer survivors. The project activities will focus on the analysis of existing scientific and professional research and identification of examples of good practices, developing an effective online training program on Nordic walking for cancer patients and survivors that will include experts (doctors, psychologists, kinesiologists-trainers, physiatrists or physiotherapists) and people who have overcome cancer, organizing workshops for experts, conducting a 6-month training program, establishing a methodology for measuring the quality of the training program that includes qualitative and quantitative indicators.
To achieve these objectives, the project includes the following actions:
· organization of international seminars aimed at promoting the project idea, objectives, expected and achieved results;
· definition of guidelines for cancer prevention and for the promotion of sport among cancer patients;
· training at European level of sports, medical and health personnel and volunteers involved in the implementation of sports activities
· Nordic walking program: training programs for athletes and cancer patients will be provided.
The target groups of the project are: cancer patients, coaches, instructors, educators, teachers, athletic trainers, volunteers, managers and staff of sports organizations, training institutes, non-profit organizations and associations, public authorities and decision-making processes.
A very important role in the project will be played by doctors and professionals from the Scientific Institute for Hospitalization and Treatment – Oncology Reference Center of Basilicata IRCCS-CROB of Rionero in Vulture and the “Giovanni Paolo II” Cancer Institute of Bari who will be responsible for drafting a questionnaire on the current situation and the importance of physical activity for cancer patients, drafting Guidelines on “Physical activity and tumors”, while the added value to the project is the presence in the Consortium of the “National University of Ukraine on Physical Education”, Public University of Kiev (Ukraine) which will be responsible for drafting the e-learning platform for online training of cancer patients, lessons on correct lifestyles and training to prevent the disease.
The planned activities are:
1. Management, implementation, coordination, monitoring and evaluation
2. Training and exchange of experiences and good practices during transnational meetings
3. Seminars and sport events in 6 countries during the European Week of Sport 2026
Final results:
– knowledge survey on the current situation
– guidelines “Physical activity and cancer”
– e-learning platform with training sessions
– Nordic Walking programme
– awareness events in 6 partner countries
– communication materials and activities
– final conference.
During the Meeting we discussed the following topics:
- Report of the project coordinator on the activities
- Illustration of objectives, work packages, tasks, deliverables, deadlines
- Continuons reporting
- Events and Meetings
- Communication and Dissemination activities
- Exchange of good practices and experiences
- Financial issues
- Monitoring and evaluation of the project activities
Laura Tosto, President of the Basilicata Regional Committee of the Susan Komen Italia Association, spoke to illustrate the ongoing projects with which she intends to collaborate over the next two years to create the “Race for the Cure” which involves over 5,000 athletes every year.
The many photos of the event are available on the project’s Facebook page