Transnational Meeting Marratxi (Balearic Islands- Spain)
The transnational meeting of the SADS Project will take place on 15 and 16 July in Marratxi (Spain) Agenda
The transnational meeting of the SADS Project will take place on 15 and 16 July in Marratxi (Spain) Agenda
Nella giornata di domenica 3 aprile 2022 si è svolto a Matera in Piazza San Pietro Caveoso (Rioni Sassi) il Multiplier sport event n. 1 del progetto SPADS. Durante l’evento sono stati illustrati i risultati intellettuali del progetto quali l’indagine conoscitiva, la Guidelines “Sport for …
Dissemination activities of the project held in Matera on the occasion of the “Vivicittà” social inclusion sporting event The many photos are published on the Facebook page of the Project
Si svolgerà domenica 3 aprile 2022, alle ore 10:00, in Piazza San Pietro Caveoso a Matera, il Multiplier sport event del progetto SPADS durante il quale saranno illustrati i risultati intellettuali del progetto. L’evento si svolgerà in occasione della manifestazione podistica internazionale “VIVICITTA” English version …
An online meeting was held on 11 February with all the project partners, during which they were illustrated in three modules of the training course for social workers, instructors and sports volunteers. The contents of the lessons have been uploaded to the google drive folder …
In the google drive folder of the “E-learning materials” project, the first two modules of the training course for sports educators and volunteers will be published. For Friday 11 February at 3.00 pm we will hold an online meeting to illustrate in detail all the …
Presso l’auditorium della Casa per Ferie Sant’Anna di Matera, si è svolta la conferenza finale (multiplier sport event n. 2) durante la quale sono stati illustrati ai numerosi partecipanti i risultati ottenuti dal progetto. Il video integrale della conferenza è disponibile sulla pagina Facebook. Comunicato …
Intense working morning in Matera for the 5th transnational meeting. We discussed the activities carried out for the intellectual output n. 4 which is the application of the teaching method for autistic children. We also discussed the contents of the final report, the dissemination plan …
The online meeting of the Spads project was held today in which all the partners participated. We discussed the contents of the e-learning platform . The first two modules of the training course for social health workers and sports volunteers will be online in January. …
La conferenza finale del progetto “Autism and Sport : Train Social Inclusion” si svolgerà sabato 4 dicembre 2021, con inizio alle ore 9.00, presso la Casa per Ferie Sant’Anna in Via Lanera n. 14 INVITO SCHEDA DI ISCRIZIONE